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Get Option Order

Get a Single Non-Discretionary, Single CAT, Single Complex, Block, or Allocation Option Order.


Search for a Single Non-Discretionary, Single CAT, Block or Allocation order.

Request Body

Order is retrieved using the Order ID.

This request must consist of the below StoneX identifiers:

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
orderIdString32Assigned Order identifier

Response Body

Responses from the request will return with a Status Code. There are 3 Codes: Successful (200), Bad Request (400) and Internal Server Error (500).

Successful Response

The response for a Successful request will look like:

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
statusCodeInteger3Code identifies success of request
messageStringOutcome of request
dataData BlockMain field containing information of request
errorsErrorsAPI errors
traceIdStringUnique identifier
hasErrorsBooleanTrue or False